Current Affairs Rajasthan, Daily Rajasthan Current GK, Rajasthan News, Current GK of Rajasthan, 2017, Rajasthan GK, Rajasthan GK in Hindi, Exam Current GK
Wednesday, August 27, 2014
Friday, July 18, 2014
Personal tax exemption limit raised to Rs 2.5 lakh from current Rs 2 lakh for taxpayers below 60 years
Senior citizens exemption limit hiked from Rs 2.5 lakh to Rs 3 lakh
Senior citizens exemption limit hiked from Rs 2.5 lakh to Rs 3 lakh
No change in surcharge for corporates , individuals
Education cess to stay at current 3%
Investment limit under 80C hiked to Rs 1.5 lakh from current Rs 1 lakh
Exemption on housing loans interest on self- occupied pro increased from Rs 1.5 lakh to 2 lakh
Exemption on housing loans interest on self- occupied pro increased from Rs 1.5 lakh to 2 lakh
The people of India have decisively voted for change
India unhesitatingly desires to grow
We look forward to lower levels of inflation
The country is no mood to suffer from unemployment, lack of infrastructure and apathetic governance
The continuing slowdown in emerging economies has posed threat to global economic recovery
Slow decision-making has led to slow growth
Steps announced in the budget are aimed for sustained growth of 7-8% within the next three-four years
It would not be wise to expect that the same can be done and must be done in the first budget being presented within the first 45 days of the new govt
We will leave no stone unturned to create an vibrant and strong India
Will lay down broad policy indicators in the budget
We cannot spend beyond our means, we needs to follow fiscal prudence
Rajasthan Government declared Camel as the State animal
The decision to declare Camel as State Animal was taken during a State Cabinet meet held in Bikaner on the last day of Sarkar Aapke Dwar campaign. The Cabinet meet was chaired by Vasundhara Raje, the Chief Minister of Rajasthan.
Camel as an animal provide livelihood to numerous people of Rajasthan and is called as a ship of desert. However, over the years these animals are slaughtered for its meat and are also illegally transported to neighbouring states. Camels are also killed as part of sacrifice in several districts of the Rajasthan. As a result, the camel population in Rajasthan has dwindled sharply.
As per the Livestock Census data, 668000 camels were recorded in 1997 which has gone down to 498000 in 2003. This means 25 percent decrease in a period of five years. In the next five year census data, the population went down by 13.5 percent to 430426. The census also highlighted that the population during 2003-08 period increased in Jaisalmer district.
Thus, besides declaring Camel as the State Animal, the State government is also in a process to draft a new law that bans slaughter, illegal trade and transportation of camels. The step includes camel milk in its food security programme and fast disappearing grazing areas leading to severe food crisis for camels.
Thursday, May 8, 2014
प्रदेश में बनेगा देश का पहला बीज बैंक
खाद्यान्न, दलहन, तिलहन और औषधीय पौधों की 40 हजार से अधिक विविध देसी किस्मों के संरक्षण देने के लिए राजस्थान देश का पहला बीज बैंक बनाएगा। इसका उद्देश्य पौष्टिकता और गुणवत्तायुक्त देसी किस्मों की बुवाई बढ़ावा देना और किसानों को प्रोत्साहित करना है। साथ ही हर साल बहुराष्ट्रीय और बड़ी कंपनियों के करोड़ों रुपए के बीज बिक्री मार्केट के एकाधिकार को खत्म कर किसानों को महंगी दरों पर हर बार बीज खरीदने से राहत दिलाना है। मुख्यमंत्री वसुंधरा राजे के निर्देश के बाद कृषि विभाग ने बीज बैंक बनाने के लिए कवायद शुरू कर दी है।
कृषि मंत्री प्रभुलाल सैनी ने विभाग के अधिकारियों को 1960 से लेकर अब तक प्रचलन में चल रही और लुप्त होने के कगार पर पहुंची देसी किस्मों की हर जिले से पूरी जानकारी जुटाकर उन बीजों के सैंपल जुटाने के निर्देश दिए है। इसके लिए जयपुर में एक अलग से बिल्डिंग बनाई जाएगी, जिसमें हजारों प्रकार की किस्म और उनकी खासियत की विस्तृत जानकारी का बैंक बनेगा।
प्रदेश में अकेले औषधीय पौधों की 15 हजार से अधिक किस्में है, जिनमें से अधिकतर जानकारी के अभाव और उपेक्षा के चलते लुप्त होने के कगार पर पहुंच गई है। बैंक बनने के बाद विशेष किस्मों के बीजों का राज्य सरकार पेटेंट भी करवाएगी। इसके अलावा राज्य सरकार विशेषज्ञों को इन देसी किस्म के बीजों पर शोध करके उनमें उत्पादन बढ़ाने के लिए सुधार करने के लिए आमंत्रित करेगी।
अभी हाईब्रिड बीजों की बुआई से उत्पादन तो बढ़ा है, लेकिन खाद्यान्न की पौष्टिकता और गुणवत्ता लगातार कम होती जा रही है। इसका सीधा असर हर व्यक्ति के स्वास्थ्य पर पड़ रहा है। जबकि राजस्थान में किसान बाजरा, गेहूं, ज्वार, मक्का, जौ, धनिया, जीरा, सरसो, मूंग, मोठ, उड़द, ब्राह्मी, कौंच, अरंडी, सर्पगंधा, मुलेठी, खस, अजवायन, सौंफ समेत हजारों किस्मों के जो परंपरागत तरीके से संजोकर रखे गए बीजों से बुआई करता था, उनमें औषधीय गुणवत्ता और पौष्टिकता मौजूद रहती है।
परंपरागत बीजों की खासियत ये है कि ये किसान के घड़े में सुरक्षित रहते हैं। हर बार उपज में से अच्छा बीज किसान घड़े में रख देता है, जिससे वो बुआई करता है। इसमें अलग से एक रुपए भी खर्च करने की जरूरत नहीं पड़ती। दूसरी तरफ हाईब्रिड बीज बेहद महंगी दर पर खरीदकर बुआई करनी पड़ती है। यह बीज वंशहीन (टर्मिनेटेड ) होता है। उत्पादित होने वाली फसल का बीज किसान बुआई नहीं कर सकता। उसको हर बार मार्केट से नया बीज खरीदकर लेना पड़ता है।
कृषि मंत्री प्रभुलाल सैनी के मुताबिक खाद्यान्न, दलहन, तिलहन और औषधीय पौधों के संरक्षण के लिए कृषि विभाग देश का पहला बीज बैंक बनाएगा। हर जिले से विस्तृत जानकारी भेजने, जुटाने के निर्देश दे दिए हैं। इससे हमारे परंपरागत बीजों का संरक्षण होगा और किसान खुद के बीज से ही बुआई कर सकेगा। इससे प्रदेश के किसानों को हजारों करोड़ रुपए का सीधा फायदा होगा। हमारे बीजों में शोध के साथ ही खेती करने से आमजन को पौष्टिक और गुणवत्तायुक्त खाद्य सामग्री उपलब्ध हो सकेगी।
Rajasthan Summer Festival 2014
Summer Festival 2014 is held in Mount Abu (Rajasthan) from 12th to 14th May 2014. Summer festival is held every year during the month of May on Budh Poornima. The festival celebrates the warmth and cheerfulness of the people of hill station, who welcome the tourist from the depth of their hearts. The hospitality of the people, their colorful culture and exotic location made this festival a never to be forgotten experience.
The festival begins with a ceremonial procession, which starts from the RTDC Hotel Shikhar and gather at the Nakki Lake Chowk followed by folk performances of Rajasthan & Gujrat states. The grand finale of the Festival a display of dazzling fire works all three days. This three day colourful festival is organized by the Rajasthan Tourism, Municipal Board, Mt.Abu & District Administration. The second and third day of the festival is more interesting because of various competitions that take place the whole day. Skating Race, skater’s Show, CRPF Band Show, Boat Race, Horse Race, Tug of War, Panihari Matka Race and Deepdan add to the excitements of the celebration.
For More Info -CLICK HERE
For More Info -CLICK HERE
Monday, March 3, 2014
Oscars 2014 (The 86th Annual Academy Awards): Winners list
The 86th Annual Academy Awards :
Best Picture: 12 Years a Slave
Best Actor (in a Leading Role Male): Matthew McConaughey for Dallas Buyers Club
Best Actor (in a Leading Role Female): Cate Blanchett for Blue Jasmine
Best Supporting Actor (Male): Jared Leto for Dallas Buyers Club
Best Supporting Actor (Female): Lupita Nyong’o for 12 Years a Slave
Best Cinematography: Emmanuel Lubezki for Gravity
Best Costume Design: Catherine Martin for The Great Gatsby
Best Directing: Alfonso Cuarón for Gravity
Best Adapted Screenplay: John Ridley for 12 Years a Slave
Best Original Screenplay: Spike Jonze for Her
Best Sound Editing: Glenn Freemantle for Gravity
Best Foreign Language Film: The Great Beauty (Italy)
Best Documentary Feature: 20 Feet from Stardom
Best Documentary Short: The Lady In Number 6: Music Saved My Life
Friday, February 28, 2014
Rajasthan Interim Budget 2014-15 (Vote on Account)
Rajasthan Chief Minister Vasundhara Raje presented an interim budget without any new tax or relief for the first quarter of fiscal year 2014-15, while laying emphasis on controlling the revenue and fiscal deficits estimated at Rs.2,505 crore and Rs.18,301 crore respectively.
Ms. Raje, who also holds the Finance portfolio, said in her budget speech in the Assembly that the fiscal deficit was likely to be 3.56 per cent of the Gross State Domestic Product (GSDP) of Rs.5,13,688 crore, which was beyond the ceiling of 3 per cent laid down by the Fiscal Responsibility and Budget Management (FRBM) Act.
“The total expenditure during 2014-15 has been estimated at Rs.1,12,955 crore. Against the revenue expenditure of Rs.90,752 crore, the revenue receipts will be Rs.91,483 crore. We are committed to bringing the fiscal deficit to less than 3 per cent of the GSDP,” she said.
The House passed the vote-on-account by a voice vote after the interim budget was presented, amid walkout by the Opposition Congress, the National People’s Party and Independent MLAs on a breach of privilege issue.
Ms. Raje announced an estimated Plan outlay of Rs.46,989.33 crore for the next financial year. She said the State government would launch ambitious projects to extend direct benefits to people. “Our priority is to strengthen social and economic infrastructure. We will formulate plans for generating solar power, upgrading major district roads as mega-highways and supplying drinking water to underserved and problematic villages.”
Ms. Raje later told journalists that the government would continue work on the oil refinery project in Barmer district and the Jaipur Metro Rail Project, started by the Ashok Gehlot regime, with revised budgetary allocations. The estimated budget for the refinery would be Rs.402 crore and that for Jaipur Metro’s first phase Rs.486 crore during 2014-15.
भारत के पहले अल्पसंख्यक साइबर गांव का उद्घाटन
भारत के पहले अल्पसंख्यक साइबर गांव का उद्घाटन अलवर जिले के चन्दौली में 19 फ़रवरी 2014 को अल्पसंख्यक मामलों के मंत्री के रहमान खान द्वारा किया गया.
चन्दौली को पायलट परियोजना के लिए पहले गांव के रूप में चयनित किया गया है क्योंकि यहा पर 80 प्रतिशत से अधिक अल्पसंख्यक आबादी का रहती है और मेवात क्षेत्र अल्पसंख्यकों की शिक्षा के क्षेत्र में अभी भी पिछड़ा हुआ है. पायलट परियोजना की सफलता के बाद परियोजना को अन्य क्षेत्रों में भी लागू किया जाएगा.
साइबर गांव के बारे में
• साइबर गांव परियोजना 15-59 वर्ष की आयु वर्ग के लोगों को कंप्यूटर शिक्षा प्रदान करेगा.
• आगे भी , परियोजना के तहत अल्पसंख्यक की पर्याप्त आबादी वाले गांवों में स्थापित किया जाएगा.
• इस परियोजना के तहत विशेषज्ञ चन्दौली के लोगों के लिए कम्यूटर कौशल का प्रशिक्षण प्रदान करेगें.
अल्पसंख्यक मामलों के मंत्री अपनी घोषणा में कहा कि सरकार अल्पसंख्यक समुदाय के लिए केंद्रीय विद्यालयों की तर्ज पर विशेष स्कूलों को खोलने पर विचार कर रही है. सरकार ने अल्पसंख्यक बहुल इलाकों में 200 नए कॉलेजों के खोलने की योजना बनाई है जिसमें लक्ष्मणगढ़, तिजारा, किशनगढबस और रामगढ़ शामिल हैं.
राजस्थान सरकार ने राज्य के 10225 गांवों को अभावग्रस्त घोषित किया
राजस्थान सरकार ने राज्य के 17 जिलों के 10225 गांवों को अभावग्रस्त 5 फरवरी 2014 को घोषित किया| इस घोषणा के साथ राज्य सरकार ने इन गावों से भू-राजस्व की वसूली रोकने का निर्णय किया. यह घोषणा 17 जिलों के कलेक्टरों की फसल-मूल्यांकन (गिर्दवरी) रिपोर्टों के आधार पर की गई. अधिसूचना 3 जुलाई 2014 तक प्रभावी रहेगी.
राज्य का बाड़मेर जिला इस लिहाज से सबसे ख़राब जिला बन गया, जिसके अभावग्रस्त गावों की संख्या सर्वाधिक 1507 रही. इन गांवों की फसलें खरीफ के मौसम के दौरान ख़राब हो गई थी.
राज्य आपदा राहत और प्रबंधन विभाग ने अन्य जिलों के अन्य गांवों सहित अजमेर के 104, अलवर के 2, बाड़मेर के 1507, बांसवाड़ा के 1501, झालावाड़ के 1072, डूंगरपुर के 986, पाली के 934, बरन के 482, बीकानेर के 339 जिलों का मूल्यांकन किया था.
Source - Jagran Josh
Rajasthan gets 5 New Medical Colleges in Alwar, Bharatpur, Barmer, Dungarpur
The union government in its 12th five year plan has approved the opening of five new medical colleges in five districts of Rajasthan namely Alwar, Bharatpur, Barmer, Dungarpur and in one more district which will be selected on the recommendation of the state government. With the opening of the medical colleges, health facilities in Bharatpur, Alwar, Barmer and Dungerpur are likely to improve further specially in Eastern and Southern Part of Rajasthan.
According to state government sources, the Centre would provide 75% of the funds required for the medical colleges. The rest will be the state government's share. The sources a total of Rs189 crore would be spent to establish the colleges. The funds would be utilized in construction of the building of the medical colleges and development of other facilities required. The Centre would provide the fund under the 12th five year plan.
According to state government sources, the Centre would provide 75% of the funds required for the medical colleges. The rest will be the state government's share. The sources a total of Rs189 crore would be spent to establish the colleges. The funds would be utilized in construction of the building of the medical colleges and development of other facilities required. The Centre would provide the fund under the 12th five year plan.
Tuesday, February 11, 2014
Indians in Sochi Winter Olympics 2014
Host city | Sochi, Russia |
Motto | Hot. Cool. Yours. (Russian: Жаркие. Зимние. Твои.) |
Nations participating | 88 |
Athletes participating | 2,800+ (estimated) |
Events | 98 in 7 sports (15 disciplines) |
Opening ceremony | 7 February |
Closing ceremony | 23 February |
Officially opened by | Vladimir Putin |
Olympic Torch | Vladislav Tretiak Irina Rodnina |
Stadium | Fisht Olympic Stadium |
Indians in Sochi Winter Olympics 2014:
Athlete | Game | Event |
Himanshu Thakur | Alpine skiing | Men's giant slalom |
Nadeem Iqbal | Cross-country skiing | Men's 15 km classical |
Shiva Keshavan | Luge | Men's singles |
Source - Wikipedia
Sushil Koirala elected as the next Prime Minister of Nepal
Nepal's parliament on Monday elected Nepali Congress president Sushil Koirala as the new prime minister with a two-thirds majority , almost three months after the general elections on 19 November.
Although his party does not have a majority in parliament 74-year-old bachelor got 405 of the 553 votes cast in the 601-member parliament while 148 lawmakers cast their vote against him.
Koirala, who belongs to the extended Koirala family from which three prime ministers have come including Girija Prasad Koirala who signed the peace deal with the Maoists in 2006, has been actively involved in politics for the last five decades and is known for his simple life-style and nationalistic views.
He hails from the western Nepal city of Nepalganj near the Nepal India border, lives in a rented house in Kathmandu and has not held any public office before this.
Koirala's election as the new prime minister became a certainty on Sunday following an agreement between the Nepali Congress and the UML, the second largest party. The UML dropped its earlier stance that there also be a vote for a new president and vice president since the incumbent President Dr. Ram Baran Yadav and Vice President Parmanada Jha have been in office for more than five years.
Monday, January 27, 2014
List of Padma awardees 2014
Following is the list of the 127 awardees of Padma Vibhushan, Padma Bhushan and Padma Shri which were announced on the eve of the 65th Republic day.
Padma Vibhushan
Dr Raghunath A Mashelkar, Science and Engineering, Maharashtra
B K S Iyengar, Yoga, Maharashtra
Padma Bhushan
Gulam Mohammed Sheikh, Art-Painting, Gujarat
Begum Parveen Sultana, Art-Classical Singing, Maharashtra
T.H. Vinayakram, Art-Ghatam Artist, Tamil Nadu
Kamal Haasan, Art-Cinema, Tamil Nadu
Justice Dalveer Bhandari, Public Affairs, Delhi
Prof Padmanabhan Balaram, Science and Engineering, Karnataka
Prof Jyeshtharaj Joshi, Science and Engineering, Maharashtra
Dr Madappa Mahadevappa, Science and Engineering, Karnataka
Dr Thirumalachari Ramasami, Science and Engineering, Delhi
Dr Vinod Prakash Sharma, Science and Engineering, Delhi
Dr Radhakrishnan Koppillil, Science and Engineering, Karnataka
Dr Mrityunjay Athreya, Literature and Education, Delhi
Anita Desai, Literature and Education, Delhi
Dr Dhirubhai Thaker, Literature and Education, Gujarat
Vairamuthu, Literature and Education, Tamil Nadu.
Ruskin Bond, Literature and Education, Uttarakhand
Pullela Gopichand, Sports-Badminton, Andhra Pradesh
Leander Paes, Sports-Tennis, Maharashtra
Vijayendra Nath Kaul, Civil Service, Delhi
Late Justice Jagdish Sharan Verma, Public Affairs, Uttar Pradesh
Late Dr Anumolu Ramakrishna, Science and Engineering, Andhra Pradesh
Prof Anisuzzaman, Literature and Education, Bangladesh
Prof Lloyd I Rudolph, Literature and Education, USA
Prof Susanne H Rudolph, Literature and Education, USA
Dr (Smt) Neelam Kler, Medicine-Neonatology, Delhi
Padma Shri
Mohammad Ali Baig, Art-Theatre, Andhra Pradesh
Nayana Apte Joshi, Art, Maharashtra
Musafir Ram Bhardwaj, Art-Instrumental Music-Pauna Manjha, Himachal Pradesh
Sabitri Chatterjee, Art-Film, West Bengal
Prof Biman Bihari Das, Art-Sculptor, Delhi
Sunil Das, Art-Painting, West Bengal
Wednesday, January 22, 2014
कैलाश मेघवाल बने राजस्थान विधानसभा अध्यक्ष
भाजपा विधायक दल की बैठक में कैलाश मेघवाल को 14 वीं राजस्थान विधानसभा का अध्यक्ष चुना गया है। मेघवाल अभी खान मंत्री है। मंगलवार (21.01.2014) सुबह 11 बजे 14वीं विधानसभा का पहला सत्र शुरू हुआ। प्रोटेम स्पीकर प्रद्युम्न सिंह ने नवनिर्वाचित विधायकों को शपथ दिलवाई।
इससे पहले भाजपा विधायक दल की बैठक में राजेन्द्र राठौड़ ने विधानसभा अध्यक्ष पद के लिए कैलाश मेघवाल के नाम का प्रस्ताव रखा। इसका गुलाबचंद कटारिया ने समर्थन किया। सभी विधायकों ने एक मत से इस प्रस्ताव को पारित कर दिया। बैठक की अध्यक्षता मुख्यमंत्री वसुंधरा राजे ने की।
Tuesday, January 21, 2014
Legendary Bengali actress Suchitra Sen passed away
Legendary Bengali actress Suchitra Sen (82) passed way in Kolkata due to massive heart attack.She was the first Bengali actress to be honored at an international film festival (She received the Best Actress award for ‘Saat Paake Bandha’ at the 1963 Moscow film festival).
About Legendary Bengali actress Suchitra Sen
About Legendary Bengali actress Suchitra Sen
- Known for power-packed performances in highly acclaimed Bengali films viz. Deep Jwele Jaai, Uttar Falguni, etc and in Hindi movies viz. Devdas, Bombai Ka Babu, Mamta, Aandhi, Saat Paake Bandha, etc. She has been nicknamed as the Greta Garbo of Bengali cinema.
- Received the Best Actress Award for the film Devdas (1955), which was her first Hindi movie.
- Her role in Hindi film Aandhi opposite Sanjeev Kumar is memorable as well as controversial. She portrayed the character of Indira Gandhi in the film.
- Ms. Sen was the only celebrity to refuse the Dadasaheb Phalke Award just to avoid travelling to New Delhi.
- She devoted her retirement years working for the Ramakrishna Mission.
Jains become sixth minority community
UPA government has accorded minority status to the Jain community. The decision taken by the Union cabinet will benefit about 50 lakh people belonging to the Jain community who would be able to avail benefits in government schemes and programmes.
The Jains have become the sixth community to have minority status after Muslims, Christians, Sikhs, Buddhists and Parsis.
Jains already enjoy minority status in 11 states. In 2005, the community’s representatives had moved the Supreme Court seeking a similar status nationally, a proposal backed by the National Minorities Commission. However, the top court had left the decision to the Centre.
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